Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Pray for No Cavity Searches, Otherwise Someone Will Owe Me Dinner

Yes, I am leaving. No, no, no, shhhhhh, it's ok--don't cry. I want to keep in touch. Touching is good. So let's do it online..um, the keeping in touch, that is.
I have to lead a double blog life. On one blog, I have to be Honors Program friendly, which means if rich donors or parents of perspective Honors students see it, they have to approve of what I do. Yeah, this is NOT that blog. This is the blog for my friends who are brave enough to follow the stories of my life where the Weird seems to follow me around for fun. You know I know you need these stories in your lives.
I feel like a fetus. I'm going to be gone for nine months, and it's like a pregnancy, which means tomorrow, I'll be a transatlantic zygote.Or maybe I'm like a po-mo, reverse Pilgrim? Like, instead of leaving England for the Americas, I'm leaving the Americas for England, which means this blog is like the diaries of the American settlers. Like John Smith (only honest) or Cotton Mather (only without the scary religious overtones). I just don't need it to end up like Mary Rowlandson. Captivity narratives aren't fun for anyone.
OK--I'm officially going to miss you guys. There is this horrible underlying sense of loss this year, and it's because I'm going to miss y'all. (Oh, yeah, check the dialect). So please follow this blog for all my stories, but also please leave me comments! Don't be strangers! (Gee, I miss you already...)


  1. "You know I know you need these stories in your lives."

    Yes Jarred, I do need your stories in my life :) They make my day!

    Gonna miss ya! Take care and every once in a while take your nose out of the books and have some fun!

    Oh. Love the blog title.


  2. Um, I adore you and miss you already. But you're going to have the time of your life! Keep updating ...

  3. P.S. You don't have your blogger profile linked to your Honors-friendly blog, do you? Otherwise, the donors and parents can see the link to this blog too. Just wanted to make sure.

  4. And problem solves! Thank you, Kristin. Um...the problem IS solved, right?

  5. Nope, you need to choose not to display the link to "view your complete profile" on your honors blog. Click on that little link that looks like an editing tool, and then deselect the box that says show the link to my profile on this blog -- or whatever it says.

  6. I am going to miss you so much! This is a great idea to keep us all informed!! I LOVE IT! I miss you boo boo! Glad you made it safe!
